Set in a future-world where humans can control other humans in mass-scale, multi-player online gaming environments, a star player (Butler) from a game called "Slayers" looks to regain his independence while taking down the game's mastermind (Hall). 2009
1. Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) (04:53)
Performed by Marilyn Manson
2. The Bad Touch (04:20)
Performed by Bloodhound Gang
3. Deathmatch (03:14)
4. Society (00:42)
5. Slayers (00:39)
6. Kable's New Ride (02:19)
7. The Prison Yard (01:39)
8. Upgrades (03:14)
9. Target Practice (04:22)
10. Gina Parker Smith (00:27)
11. Simon's House (02:56)
12. Turn Me Loose (01:50)
13. You Have To Escape (02:17)
14. Kable Is Gone (00:56)
15. Dress Up Doll (00:41)
16. Humanz (01:55)
17. The Thorax Bar (01:53)
18. Kable Rescues Angie (01:19)
19. Blood Ball (02:05)
20. Interrogating Simon (02:42)
21. Kable Vs. Castle (02:53)
22. I Think It, You Do It (04:38)
23. Medley: I've Got You Under My Skin/Big Bad John/Night And Day (06:32)
Performed by Sammy Davis Jr.
Total Duration: 58:26