1. Where is my shipped order?
In rare cases sometimes the postal service and UPS can be slower than expected. Please check with your postal delivery person or the post office directly to see if there were any attempts to deliver your package. In many cases the package may be in the postal office back room. We ask that you wait for six weeks on International orders and four weeks on domestic (USA) orders before inquiring on a lost order. While this may seem extreme, sometimes lost orders will come back to us as undelivered.
2. Can I add a CD to my order?
Because orders are filled and sent to shipping immediately, we only cancel your order for you via email request. You can then re-enter your order and receive a new confirmation number. If the first order has shipped, then you will need to place a second order.
3. Can I delete a CD from my order?
Send an email requesting the CD title be removed and the order number. We will be happy to delete the CD from the order, if not already shipped.
4. I have not received an order confirmation.
Please check your profile to make sure that your email is correct. Also make sure your spam filter allows you accept the Screen Archives confirmation.
5. I received a shipped confirmation notice after I received my order.
Shipped confirmation emails are automatically sent, but sometimes take longer to deliver. If your package arrives before the confirmation, please disregard the email - no duplicate order is being sent.
6. Can I combine orders?
Due to the large volume of orders that SAE receives we cannot combine pending orders once they have gone to the shipping department.
7. I can't complete my order online?
Please check your profile to make sure that all information fields are filled in correctly.
The shipping address and credit card information are most likely in need of updates if the problem occurs.
8. I have a defective CD.
Please email us directly at orders@screenarchives.com and we will be happy to take care of the problem with any CD.
9. Can I pay by Paypal? Check? or Money Order?
We accept Paypal (online), credit cards, checks or money orders. Please do not send cash. Check and money orders are held for a maximum of two weeks. If no payment has been received the order will be cancelled.
10. Can you hold CD's for me?
We are unable to hold titles. We encourage you to utilize the “wish list“ feature on the web site to track of CDs that you may want to purchase in the future.
11. I have a backordered CD on my order that is holding up the shipment.
If you DO NOT want backorders holding your order please click the “NO BACKORDERS” option before you finalize your order online. We will send what we have in immediate stock. You will need to reorder that missing CD on a future order.
12. I am looking for a title on your website but my search comes back with no results.
The search engine can handle partial titles as well as composers, so try your search again with fewer words or no punctuation, hyphens, etc.
13. In Regards to International Customs charges.
We apologize but we cannot be held responsible for any customs charges incurred by your country. Our suggestion is to place smaller orders to avoid taxes.
14. What are the stipulations for returns?
All sale, clearance or close-out items are non returnable and final.
All returns are at the discretion of the releasing label and may be declined.