Enter a world of Norse mythology, retold as a technologically advanced lost civilization. The cybernetic god Baldur is faced with the task of defending mankind from machines bent on destroying humanity. Music performed by FILM Harmonic Orchestra and Choir Prague as this riveting score evolves tales of discovery, vengeance and glory.
1 Prelude 0:30
2 Relic 5:10
3 Aeon 3:21
4 Cyberspace 3:21
5 The World Tree 2:50
6 Recovering The Past 5:15
7 Epoch 5:16
8 Perseverance 4:11
9 Grandel's Lair 2:03
10 Aesir 2:03
11 Man Or Machine 1:12
12 Undertow 2:55
13 The Ice Forest 2:47
14 Condemned 3:22
15 Leviathan 2:53
16 The Serpent Awakes 2:12
17 Gods And Chaos 4:10
18 Uprising 2:43
19 Frey Expresses Doubt 4:13
20 Path To Attrition 5:17