Czecho-Slovak Radiio Symphony conducted by Adriano
1. Selznick International Trademark - Introduction (By Alfred Newman) - Foreword - Opening Scene 4:34
2. Hotel Lobby 3:47
3. Terrace Scene - Tennis Montage I - Tennis Montage II 7:55
4. Proposal Scene - Marriage - Arrive at Manderley 5:18
5. Entrance Hall - Mrs. Danvers 4:01
6. Morning Room 2:49
7. Beatrice 1:47
8. Bridge Sequence - Walk to the Beach - The Boathouse - Coming Back from the Boathouse 7:17
9. The New Dress 1:22
10. Rebecca's Room - The New Mrs. de Winter 8:22
11. Sketching Scene 2:27
12. Manderley Ball 3:27
13. After the Ball - The Rockets - At Dawn 7:01
14. Confession Scene - Telephone Rings 6:49
15. Fireplace Tableau - The Fire - Epilogue 5:25