PROJECT X, starring Matthew Broderick and directed by Jonathan Kaplan. Mr. Horner crafts another beautiful work, expertly weaving heartwarming drama, sinister mystery and love to support this thoughtful and dramatic tale of a flight training program for primates that is revealed to have a darker purpose. Produced for Fox by Nick Redman, produced by Mike Matessino and Neil S. Bulk, and mastered by Matessino, sourced from the original analog 3-track stereo masters. The exclusive, in-depth liner notes are by writer Jeff Bond and the sharp art design is by Dan Goldwasser.
Main Title 4:54
First Lesson 3:15
Losing Virgil 4:10
Learning To Fly 3:02
The Plea 1:03
New Friends 5:48
Student Pilots 5:00
Bluebeard's Flight 6:13
Ghost Call 4:09
The Rescue 6:00
The Tower 6:02
Chimp Rumble 5:48
Chain Reaction 4:36
The Escape 4:12
Flying 4:28
End Credits 6:09