1. Rabble Rouser
2. Stampton Bridge
3. Meet The Reapers
4. The First Sons
5. Alden Strikes
6. The Escape
7. Dinner With Sasha
8. The Courier
9. Secrets Revealed
10. Rampage
11. Tent City
12. Hunt For The Ray Sphere
13. End Of The Road
14. Anything For Trish
15. Stranded
16. Mysterious Signal
17. The Truth
18. Genisis
19. Pleasant Empire
20. Silent Melody
21. The Rescue
22. The Price
23. No Protection
Amon Tobin (1~3, 5, 8, 12, 14, 15, 18, 21)
James Dooley (3~7, 10, 13, 17~19, 22)
Mel Wesson (6, 17)
Jonathan Mayer (9, 11, 16, 23)