Chuck Murdock (Joshua Zuehlke) is an all-American kid living in a sleepy town in Montana. He is the top pitcher of the little league team as well. After taking a tour of a nuclear silo, Chuck decides to quit playing little league until nuclear weapons are disarmed. Boston Celtic Amazing Grace Smith (Alex English) hears about Chuck's exploits, and decides to do the same thing. Amazing then moves to the young boy's town to live. More athletes follow suit as well. The town begins to hate Chuck and his family, and this makes Chuck's father angry. But can one kid's message make the world listen? - Varese Sarabande
1. Home town (5:23)
2. Nukes (5:22)
3. Amazing (2:37)
4. Fun And Games (2:35)
5. The Movement (3:00)
6. Chuck and Dad (4:14)
7. Good and Bad Guys (2:32)
8. Decisions (2:11)
9. Remembering Amazing (2:21)
10. Dad and Sis (2:56)
11. Steamroom (3:02)
12. Final Victory (4:33)
13. End Credits (2:41)