This post-modern comic variation on The Defiant Ones concerns Keats (Damon Wayans), an undercover police detective trying to get the goods on crime kingpin Frank Colton (James Caan). Keats poses as a crook to make friends with one of Colton's underlings, a drug dealer and car thief named Archie Moses (Adam Sandler). Keats is using Archie as part of a sting operation to put Colton away; however, Archie doesn't care for this, and when he finds out Keats's true plan and actual identity, it leads to an altercation that ends with Archie shooting Keats in the head. Several months later, Keats emerges from the hospital with a metal plate in his skull, and he has to bring Archie in. However, now Archie and Keats are both on Colton's enemies list, and the two find themselves on the run in Arizona, trying to outwit Colton's team of assassins, but having Archie on hand doesn't do much good in the outwitting department. Bulletproof was directed by Ernest Dickerson, who got his start as a cinematographer for Spike Lee. 1996
1. Buddies (0:59)
2. The Bust (3:17)
3. Shots (1:05)
4. Gurney (0:37)
5. Flying (2:56)
6. In The Desert (2:18)
7. Cliff (2:02)
8. Phone (4:25)
9. Darryl's Rescue (3:13)
10. Fighting (1:06)
11. Thugs And Hugs (1:22)
12. Mistakes (3:36)