On the third trial with Muccino, I found myself starting all over again, Gabriel has chosen a choral tales, many characters for many psychological nuances and sentimental. My score should tie everything trying to bring together into one big emotional river the different motions of the protagonists. Difficult task, at least on paper. Then I saw the scenes being edited, I loved those characters and it all came on their own. Long suites, bridges and sudden imaginary lashes. And the emotion was repeated. What will get me out again?
1. Paolo buonvino - trent'anni tra un mese
2. Paolo buonvino - apertura
3. Ornella vanoni, toquinho, vinicio de moraes - la voglia la pazzia
4. Paolo buonvino - parallelismi
5. Paolo buonvino - ritorni
6. Deus - serpentine
7. Paolo buonvino - non sono pensieri carini
8. Paolo buonvino - movimenti d'anima
9. Paolo buonvino - un bacio ancora
10. The karminsky experience - the hip sheik
11. Paolo buonvino - sogni di fuga
12. Paolo buonvino - jumping
13. Paolo buonvino - finalmente libero
14. Barry adamson - come hell or high water
15. Paolo buonvino - il primo bacio
16. Paolo buonvino - libere aperture
17. Bam bams - tu e l'estate
18. Montefiori cocktail - hu ha
19. Paolo buonvino - prima del risveglio
20. Paolo buonvino - interni
21. Mina - se tu non fossi qui
22. Paolo buonvino - un'altra corsa
23. Carmen consoli - l'ultimo bacio