Directed by César Ducasse and Mathieu Péteul, DARK SOULS is a French-Norwegian thriller which begins with a young woman who is attacked in the woods. Just as her father receives a call from the police asking him to identify her body, he sees her walking through the front door... As he is forced to take matters into his own hands, he begins to uncover signs of a larger industrial conspiracy whilst caring for his daughter, amidst an undead outbreak.
With an established history in the European demo scene, composer Wojciech Golczewski creates a chilling, atmospheric score through a mix of classical and industrial styles, with suspenseful motifs and gentle harmonics to underscore the warmth of family and humanity, juxtaposed against strong thematic material that underlines the action sequences. The result is a thoughtful, haunting score which inexorably builds up to a climatic undead apocalypse.
1 Dark Souls 1:58
2 Johanna 2:12
3 Morgue 1:38
4 At Morten's 3:03
5 Couple 2:50
6 Brainscan 1:03
7 What Have You Done to Her? 1:21
8 Sewers 1:37
9 30 Days 2:47
10 Crime Scene 1:44
11 Ordinary Day 4:25
12 It Was Him 1:08
13 The Chase 1:59
14 The Witness 4:26
15 A Favor 0:52
16 Substance 1:14
17 Poor Bastard 1:08
18 Johanna Attacks 1:28
19 Awaken 2:56
20 Askestad's Death 5:06
21 In Hiding 1:39
22 Feeding 3:27
23 Factory 2:40
24 One Makes Two 0:51
25 End Credits 2:21