LA CITTA’ IDEALE is a thriller directed in 2012 by Luigi Lo Cascio and starring Luigi Maria Burruano, Barbara Enrichi and Massimo Foschi.
The story follows Michele, an active ecologist from Palermo who decides to spend a year in extreme survival conditions, in an intimate, almost Kafkian tale with psychological veins based on reflections between real and unreal, artificial and natural, and contemplations on cerebral and aesthetic nature.
The tasty score was composed by Andrea Rocca, a young Italian artist transplanted to England. With tones of black comedy, psychological thriller and political social satire, it’s a complex movie that is excellently sustained by the ingenious ideas of the young Italian talent. An optimum addition to your contemporary film music collection!
1 - Titoli di testa 2:46
2 - Michele 1:18
3 - Aspettare 1:31
4 - Cosa vedi? 3:17
5 - Alexandra 2:09
6 - Sto bene 1:43
7 - La casa ideale 1:23
8 - Osservato 1:31
9 - Fotografie 1:41
10 - Buio ai consumi 1:29
11 - Letto vuoto 1:54
12 - Allontanamento 1:54
13 - A cercare bene 1:36
14 - Interrogatorio 1:31
15 - Corridoi 2:18
16 - Telefonata 1:06
17 - Parlavo di te 2:29
18 - Tribunale 2:02
19 - Come una foglia 1:31
20 - Museo 1:59
21 - Cantina 1:33
22 - Titoli di coda 4:07