The story follows Steven (Phillippe) and Shannon (LeFevre), an American couple, who travel to Puerto Rico to finalize the adoption of their new seven-year-old daughter, Nina. However, when Steven clashes with an intimidating local (Cusack), things go from strange to absolutely terrifying when Nina disappears from her bed one night. Despite frantic efforts to recover their daughter, the young couple hit roadblock after roadblock and become increasingly desperate, finding themselves further entwined in a perplexing web of lies and confusion.
The exciting and dramatic score is by Hollywood Music Award winning and BAFTA nominated composer Inon Zur, internationally renowned for his emotionally dynamic orchestral music scores featured in film, television, trailers and interactive entertainment.
1. Haiti Requiem and Arrival
2. Nina
3. Mamasita
4. A new family
5. Mujer
6. Missing
7. Taken
8. Captured
9. The big big escape
10. Tu Eres Mala
11. Car chase
12. Hanging on a cliff
13. All is (not) well
14. Jungle chase
15. The end
16. Fighting the world