Fallen Angels is an American neo-noir anthology television series that ran from August 1, 1993 to November 19, 1995 on the Showtime pay cable station and was produced by Propaganda Films. No first-run episodes were shown in 1994.
The theme song was written by Elmer Bernstein and the original music was written by Peter Bernstein.
Period torch songs by performers like Patti Page and Billie Holiday were used periodically.
1 Teddy Edwards– Main Title Theme 3:13
2 Billie Holiday– A Fine Romance 3:32
3 J.J. Johnson– Yesterdays 3:45
4 Nat King Cole, The Keynoters– The Way You Look Tonight 3:08
5 Stan Getz– The Folks Who Live On The Hill 4:17
6 Dinah Washington– My Heart Cries For You 2:43
7 Charlie Parker– Why Do I Love You? 2:59
8 Patti Page– Why Don't You Believe Me 2:44
9 Chet Baker– All The Things You Are 5:41
10 Billie Holiday– Yesterdays 2:46
11 Benny Carter– The Song Is You 4:44
12 Stan Getz– All The Things You Are 13:08
13 Clifford Brown– Yesterdays 2:58
14 Elmer Bernstein– End Title Theme 1:46