August Rush is a 2007 musical drama film directed by Kirsten Sheridan and produced by Richard Barton Lewis. The screenplay is by Nick Castle and James V. Hart, with a story by Paul Castro and Castle. It involves an 11-year-old musical prodigy living in an orphanage who runs away to New York City. He begins to unravel the mystery of who he is, all while his mother is searching for him and his father is searching for her. The many different sounds and rhythms he hears throughout his journey culminate in a major instrumental composition, which concludes the film ("August's Rhapsody").
1. Main Title (02:21)
Mark Mancina
2. Bach / Break (03:52)
Steve Erdody and Jonathan Rhys Meyers
3. Moondance (01:51)
Jonathan Rhys Meyers
4. This Time (04:13)
Jonathan Rhys Meyers
5. Bari Improv (01:37)
Kaki King
6. Ritual Dance (01:35)
Kaki King
7. Raise It Up (02:29)
Jamia Simone Nash and Impact Repertory Theatre
8. Dueling Guitars (02:36)
Heitor Pereira and Doug Smith
9. Elgar / Something Inside (04:53)
Steve Erdody and Jonathan Rhys Meyers
10. August's Rhapsody (07:37)
Mark Mancina
11. Someday (03:04)
John Legend
12. King Of The Earth (03:45)
John Ondrasik
13. God Bless The Child (04:30)
Chris Botti and Paula Cole
14. La Bamba (03:50)
Leon Thomas III
Total Duration: 50:33