I WANT TO BE A SOLDIER was the fourth feature film directed by film maker Christian Molina, the film tells the story of eight year old Alex, who seems to become almost obsessed by violent images, he begins to develop communication difficulties with his parents. After his Mother gives birth to two babies, at first he seems happy to assume the role of the older brother, but soon his outlook changes and he also becomes increasingly detached from the other children who attend his school, he basically hounds his Mother and Father into getting him a Television for his room and then shuts himself away watching violent programmes and becoming more and more caught up with the scenes of violence from all over the world that he is able to see.
He then begins to become increasingly secretive and closes in upon himself and develops a friendship with two imaginary characters one an astronaut the other a cruel sergeant called John Cluster who advises Alex on how he can be a better soldier. The quiet-eight-year old who dreamed of becoming an astronaut one day has changed into someone who wants to be a soldier and go and fight and destroy the enemies of his country. Federico Jusid’s score underlines perfectly the changes that Alex is going through, it supports, punctuates and enhances wonderfully the storyline without being overpowering and gives the film and its storyline soul and a greater emotional depth. -KRONOS RECORDS
"Sometimes music becomes a new character, other times an atmosphere or a sense of time or structure, or a tempo, an emotion map etc, to simplify in a shallow way”.
-Federico Jusid
1 Opening Credits - Playing With Dad 4:45
2 New Arrivals 1:09
3 Eat Your Vegetables 0:48
4 In The Tent - I Want A TV - Mission Accomplished 2:22
5 Invasion TV 1:29
6 The Argument - John Cluster 2:23
7 The Therapy 2:45
8 Happy Returns 0:44
9 Harry Vs Cluster 0:51
10 Writing With Harry 1:04
11 John Cluster Is Back 1:32
12 Mother's Devotion 3:12
13 Mom, We Have A Communication Problem 7:33