Mr. Robot is an American drama-thriller television series created by Sam Esmail. It stars Rami Malek as Elliot Alderson, a cyber security engineer and hacker who suffers from social anxiety disorder and clinical depression.
1 1.0_1-Hellofriend.Wav 1:16
2 1.0_2-Oneincontrol.Aiff 4:39
3 1.0_3-Fucksociety.Mp3 2:12
4 1.0_4-M0rphine.Aac 1:56
5 1.0_5-Pierreloti.Au 2:59
6 1.0_6-Leavem3here.Flac 1:20
7 1.0_7-waitfortheQ.ogg 2:22
8 1.0_8-Whatsyourask.M4p 1:37
9 1.0_9-Flipper.Bwf 3:37
10 1.1_1-One6away.Caf 1:41
11 1.1_2-Wearefsociety.Sd2 1:30
12 1.1_3-Oneor0.Wma 3:07
13 1.1_4-Hateurself.Ra 3:23
14 1.1_5-Illusionofchoice.Mp3 4:02
15 1.1_6-Believe-In-Erasing.Au 1:33
16 1.2_1-IwillbeCTO.m4p 3:11
17 1.2_2-Humanpunchingbag.Aiff 2:49
18 1.2_3-Therealshayla.Wav 2:32
19 1.3_1-Ichosethis.Ogg 1:43
20 1.3_2-Everyrev0lution.Ra 2:25
21 1.3_3-Betterthanm0rphine.Aac 3:20
22 1.3_4-Allsafevirus.Bwf 1:54
23 1.3_5-Da3m0nsneverstop.Caf 2:10
24 1.4_1-Squ4rewiththeuniverse.Wma 2:56
25 1.4_2-Impenetrable.Sd2 2:23
26 1.4_3-Billharper.Mp3 3:52
27 1.4_4-Exploitingtyrell.Wav 2:05
28 1.4_5-Revenge1syourweakn3ss.Ra 1:39
29 1.4_6-N0execution.Au 2:24