Dragon’s Domain Records presents the soundtrack release of EL PUEBLO DEL SOL, featuring music composed by Lee Holdridge (THE BEASTMASTER, JONATHAN LIVINGSTON SEAGULL, SPLASH, BEAUTY AND THE BEAST), performed by the London Symphony Orchestra. EL PUEBLO DEL SOL, a 1983 documentary film, captures not only the visual delights of Mexico but also grasps the day-to-day life of a people in a land filled with future promise.
In September 1980, the directors of the National Endowment for Social Works (FON-APAS) presented a proposal to its chairperson, the First Lady of Mexico, Mrs. Carmen Romano de López Portillo. The proposal was to produce the inaugural film for the Tijuana Cultural Center’s Omnitheatre, then in the first stages of construction. Approval was given and shooting on the film started in May, 1981 using the Omnimax format: 70MM for horizontal projection onto a dome screen. This format is commonly known today as IMAX dome.
Upon completion of the film, the producers chose to commission an original score. Producer Ricardo Sanchez Guadarrama approached Lee Holdridge to score the film in the fall of 1981. Upon first seeing EL PUEBLO DEL SOL, Holdridge felt that the score should be approached as a dramatic symphonic tone poem for the orchestra that would capture the natural beauty, history and traditions of Mexico.
1 Fiesta Del Sol (Festival Of The Sun) 3:56
2 Latir De Progreso (Pulse Of Progress) 1:11
3 Paisajes (Landscapes) 6:54
3.1 Haciendas
3.2 Naturaleza (Nature)
3.3 Industria (Industry)
4 Culturas Antiguas (Ancient Cultures) 2:58
5 Mosaico Turistico (Mosaic Of Tourism) 3:49
6 Sue?os (Dreams) 1:47
7 Interludio (Interlude) 1:37
8 Orígines (Origins) 3:32
9 Estampas Históricas (Historic Moments) 2:41
9.1 La Independencia (Independence)
9.2 Intervenciones Extranjeras (Foreign Interventions)
9.3 El Porfiriato - Vals (The Era Of Porfirio - Waltz)
10 La Gran Tenochtitlan
11 Cuadro Final (Final Scene) 7:23
11.1 Cielos Misteriosos (Mysterious Skies)
11.2 Serenata Nostálgica (Nostagic Serenade)
11.3 Allegro Vigoroso (Vigorous Allegro)
11.4 Fiesta Del Sol