The Cry is a four-part British television mystery drama series, written by Jacquelin Perske and adapted from the novel of the same name by Helen FitzGerald. It aired on BBC One September/October 2018. The Cry stars Jenna Coleman as Joanna Lindsay, a schoolteacher whose four-month old baby Noah disappears while she and her husband Alastair (Ewen Leslie) are visiting family in Australia. The series was directed by Glendyn Ivin and produced by Synchronicity Films. Composer Lorne Balfe is best known for composing music for films such as Mission: Impossible Fallout, iBoy, 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, DreamWorks animated films Home and Penguins of Madagascar, video games Assassin's Creed: Revelations , Crysis 2, Skylanders and the Call of Duty franchise.
1 The Cry 1:22
2 Please, cry? 5:20
3 Joanna 2:48
4 Justice for Noah 4:15
5 Help You Cope 2:16
6 Minute Four 2:34
7 The Drama Triangle 6:34
8 08 Regrets 1:36
9 Trapped 3:12
10 I Cave 3:18
11 Good Mother 2:19
12 Promise Me Now 3:57
13 Liar 2:53
14 Two Face 3:15
15 Do You Forgive Me 3:11