“When The Angels Sleep” is an exciting thriller in which Germán, an honest father of a family driving on his way back home, will see his world in danger when his destiny crosses path with two teenage girls in a road accident, making that night the worst of nightmares. And so, the very road that should take him to his family, leads him instead into a darkness we all sense but no-one would look into.
Pablo Cervantes´ is an arduous task that, with his music, makes Germán go through that blurred boundary line between sleep and wakefulness, a subtle balance between musical and sound effects. Germán´s is a complex character, composed of many facets that we get to discover progressively, together with him, little by little. The music is exactly the same, as it doesn´t just reflect the action, but also that progression, and therefore it gets more complicated as the story develops.
The journey becomes an asphyxiating auditory experience. The soundtrack is not organic, which helps endow images with a certain touch of unreality. The synthesizer sorrounds us, as if we were being rocked to nightmare. The melodic universe is made up solely by small liberating motifs that allow us to get some fresh air every time Germán stops to think. Gonzalo Bendala, director of the film, would not reduce the harshness of the images, so that he, as much as Cervantes, avoid habitually overelaborated codes of thriller soundtracks.
1. Sin aliento (1:15)
2. Solo quiero llegar a casa (0:57)
3. Sueño (1:29)
4. Un cuerpo en el aecén (3:51)
5. Perdidos y sin ayuda (3:30)
6. Se quien ha sido (1:20)
7. No me dejes sola (3:24)
8. Adonde vas (1:23)
9. No podrán con nosotras (1:33)
10. Herido (1:21)
11. Piensa (3:36)
12. Una luz en la oscuridad (2:39)
13. Tienen algún problema (1:18)
14. Corre (0:57)
15. El bar abandonado (1:05)
16. Ábreme (1:24)
17. El despertar del mal (1:12)
18. Los ángeles duermen (0:59)
19. Todo está bien (1:44)
20. He atropellado un perro (4:08)
21. Muere (1:53)
22. El arroyo (2:23)
23. Ausentes (1:00)
24. Un año después (1:09)
25. Rodillo final cuando los ángeles duermen (1:19)
Total Time: 46:36