Bernard Herrmann Anthology, Volume 3.
This is a recorded compilationfrom 1992 of classic film themes and suites composed by Bernard Herrmann and performed Australian Philharmonic Orchestra, National Philharmonic Orchestra and London Philharmonic. The CD also features the world premiere recording of Herrmann's score to Williamsburg, the Story of a Patriot and John Steven Lasher's Celluloid Fanfare, which is dedicated to the Late Bernard Herrmann.
1. Celluloid Fanfare I: Bernard Herrmann* (composed 1991) by John Steven Lasher - Australian Philharmonic Orchestra 0:48
Motion picture scores and soundtracks by Bernard Herrmann:
Citizen Kane Suite
2. "The Inquirer" 6:52
3. Theme & Variations 3:18
4. Salaambo's Aria 4:22
Magnificent Ambersons Suite
5. :Theme & Variations, Pts. I-V 6:23
6. First Nocturne 4:04
7. Second Nocturne 3:18
8. Day the Earth Stood Still: Lincoln Memorial 1:19
9. Day the Earth Stood Still: Arlington Cemetery 1:42
10. Kentuckian: Suite 19:22
11. Williamsburg, the Story of a Patriot: Overture* 2:36
12. Night Digger* 11:36
Battle of Neretva Suite
13. Prelude 2:34
14.Chetniks' March 1:47
15. Partisan March 1:30
16. Victory! (Finale) 2:33
17. Sisters: Cake Death/Finale 3:36
* Premiere Recording