A movie adaptation of Takeshi Shiota's mystery novel "Voice of Sin," which received high acclaim such as receiving the 7th Yamada Futaro Award. The music is handled by Naoki Sato, who has worked on many blockbuster movies such as the movie "Always-Sunset on Third Street" and the drama "GOOD LUCK !!".
01 The Voice of Sin 2:32
02 The Monster with 21 Faces 1:41
03 1984 6:26
04 Kurama Tengu 2:22
05 Ginman Incident 2:06
06 Threatening letter 2:11
07 Radio 2:41
08 Photo 2:07
09 Witnesses 3:32
10 Fragment 2:14
11 Responsibility 1:55
12 Last call 4:38
13 Fellowship 2:53
14 wandering day 3:40
15 cream soda 5:10
16 True Sinner 4:32
17 Recollection 1:34
18 fossil 6:25
19 Abyss 7:33
Disc length 66:12