Ong-Bak 3 is a 2010 Thai martial arts film directed, produced, and written by Tony Jaa and Panna Rittikrai. The film is a sequel to Ong Bak 2 (2008) and follows the story of the warrior Tien (Tony Jaa), who had been captured by the ruthless warlord Lord Rajasena (Sarunyu Wongkrajang). Tien escapes from Rajasena's clutches, recovers from his crippling injuries with the help of Master Bua (Nirut Sirijanya), and returns to confront Bhuti Sangkha (Dan Chupong), who has replaced Rajasena as the primary villain.
Directed by Tony Jaa, Panna Rittikrai
Screenplay by Tony Jaa, Panna Rittikrai
Music by Terdsak Janpan
Running time 95 minutes
Language Thai, English