Directed by Walter Salles Jr., this remake of Hideo Nakata's supernatural psychological drama Honogurai Mizuno Soko Kara revolves around the plight of a single mother (Jennifer Connelly) whose messy divorce and subsequent battle for the custody of her five-year-old daughter is taking a heavy toll on her emotional well-being. Ultimately, the mother and daughter are able to relocate to an apartment, which, despite its excessively dilapidated interior, seems to be an adequate location for beginning a new life. Before long, however, what appears to be the spirit of a young girl begins to haunt them. No stranger to mental illness, the wary young woman brushes the visions aside as part of the inherent stress of making the transition from abused housewife to a working, single mom. As time goes by and the apparent haunting does not subside, the apartment's new residents are forced to examine the history of its former tenants. "Dark Water" also features performances from John C. Reilly, Tim Roth, and Dougray Scott. 2005
1. Seattle, 1974
2. The Tram (Main Title)
3. Ceci Wanders
4. The Drip Stain
5. Flotsam
6. Deluge In 10F
7. Mom From Hell
8. A Ghost In The Machine
9. New Nightmare
10. Hello Again Kitty
11. The Water Tower
12. The Sacrifice
13. Final Elevator
14. End Credits