The series is a reality competition in which the contestants work as a group to add money to a pot that only one of them will eventually win. Among the contestants is one person who has secretly been designated "the Mole" by the producers, tasked with sabotaging the group's money-making efforts. At the end of each episode, the contestant who knows the least about the mole, as determined by the results of a multiple-choice quiz, is eliminated from the game. The last contestant standing wins the game and the money in the pot.
1 Mole Theme 1:02
2 Burn Journal Burn 2:30
3 Arrival At Salto Del Laja 1:38
4 Ticket To Ride 2:00
5 When Pigs Fly 2:14
6 All For One 1:44
7 Tick Tock Boom 2:34
8 Hypothermia 2:23
9 Farewell 1:47
10 Cell Out 1:50
11 Close Call 2:42
12 The Andes Awaits 1:48
13 Dress Code 2:05
14 Enter The Execution 2:51
15 Opening Credits 0:49
16 Reunion 1:12
17 Over The Falls 1:41
18 How's The View 2:36
19 Grapes Of Cache 2:58
20 Go Figure 1:42
21 Who Said That 2:18
22 Race To The Summit 1:48
23 Eliminated 1:51
24 Ten Questions 1:46
25 Crusoe 2:09
26 Sneaky Subterfuge 2:36
27 Midas Rush 3:07
28 3 To Tango 1:41
29 Family Ties 1:39
30 Against The Clock 3:12
31 Travelers 1:44
32 Swing Out 1:46
33 Leaving 1:33
34 Santiago Shuffle 2:22
35 Daybreak 3:48
36 Strange Bedfellows 1:20
37 End Credits 0:54