The Mystery of the Yellow Room (French: Le Mystère de la chambre jaune) is a 2003 French comedy film based on the 1907 novel of the same name by Gaston Leroux. It was followed by a sequel The Perfume of the Lady in Black in 2005.
Following the attempted murder of Mathilde, daughter of renowned Professor Stangerson, Joseph Rouletabille, a young reporter, accompanied by photographer Sainclair, visits the Château du Glandier to try and shed some light on the mystery.
1. Le mystere de la chambre jaune (2:24)
2. Mathilde Stangerson (3:36)
3. L'inspecteur Larsan enquete (2:40)
4. Le presbytere n'a rien perdu de son charme... (2:40)
5. Tout ce que nous ne voyons pas mais qui est immense (2:46)
6. L'amour secret (3:43)
7. Le parfum de la dame en noir (2:08)
8. Rouletabille en Amerique (1:56)
9. ... ni le jardin de son eclat (generique fin) (4:09)