Steven Spielberg's "Munich" follows the historical tale of the agents that tracked down those responsible for the murder of Israeli Olympic athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympic Games. Eric Bana portrays the lead agent. Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Tony Kushner ("Angels in America") contributed to the film's screenplay, as did Oscar-winning screenwriter Eric Roth. 2005
1 Munich, 1972 2:37
2 The Attack At Olympic Village 3:00
3 Hatikvah (The Hope) 2:02
4 Remembering Munich 4:38
5 Letter Bombs 2:49
6 A Prayer For Peace 3:51
7 Bearing The Burden 8:12
8 Avner And Daphna 4:02
9 The Tarmac At Munich 3:59
10 Avner's Theme 3:07
11 Stalking Carl 4:25
12 Bonding 1:57
13 Encounter In London And Bomb Malfunctions 3:38
14 Discovering Hans 2:47
15 THe Raid In Tarifa 2:04
16 Thoughts Of Home 4:04
17 Hiding The Family 1:26
18 End Credits 4:06