The film follows Harry's third year at Hogwarts and his quest to uncover the truth about his past, including the connection recently-escaped Azkaban prisoner Sirius Black has to Harry and his deceased parents.
When it was announced that Cuarón would direct Prisoner of Azkaban, there was initial speculation that his collaborative composer Patrick Doyle (who would score the following film) would do the music. Cuarón, however, retained John Williams, for whom it would be the third and final movie he scored in the series. The soundtrack was a significant departure from the previous two, as Cuarón wanted the score to take a different approach. One of the new themes, "Double Trouble", was written during production for a children's choir to perform in Hogwarts's Great Hall in one of the film's earlier scenes. The lyrics of the song were taken from William Shakespeare's Macbeth.
1. Lumos! (Hedwig's Theme) 1:38
2. Aunt Marge's Waltz 2:15
3. The Knight Bus 2:52
4. Apparition On The Train 2:15
5. Double Trouble 1:37
6. Buckbeak's Flight 2:08
7. A Window To The Past 3:53
8. The Whomping Willow And The Snowball Fight 2:22
9. Secrets Of The Castle 2:32
10. The Portrait Gallery 2:06
11. Hagrid The Professor 1:59
12. Monster Books And Boggarts! 2:27
13. Quidditch, Third Year 3:47
14. Lupin's Transformation And Chasing Scabbers 3:02
15. The Patronus Light 1:13
16. The Werewolf Scene 4:25
17. Saving Buckbeak 6:40
18. Forward To Time Past 2:34
19. The Dementors Converge 3:13
20. Finale 3:25
21. Mischief Managed! 12:13