The story begins in the demilitarised zone between North and South Korea with a spectacular high-speed hovercraft chase and continues via Hong Kong to Cuba and London where Bond meets up with the two ladies who are to play such important and differing roles in his quest to unmask a traitor and to prevent a war of catastrophic consequence. Hot on the trail of the principle villains, Bond travels to Iceland where he experiences at first hand the power of an amazing new weapon before a dramatic confrontation with his main adversary back in Korea where it all started... Stars Pierce Brosnan, Halle Berry, John Cleese, and Judi Dench. 2002
1. Die Another Day - Madonna
2. James Bond Theme (Bond vs. Oakenfold)
3. On The Beach
4. Hovercraft Chase
5. Some Kind Of Hero?
6. Welcome to Cuba
7. Jinx Jordan
8. Jinx And James
9. A Touch Of Frost
10. Icarus
11. Laser Fight
12. Whiteout
13. Iced Inc.
14. Antonov
15. Going Down Together
This CD is enhanced with:
*Madonna's "Die Another Day" Music Video
*The Making of the Video segment
*Bond Bonus Extras!
*Women Of Bond Gallery
*Bond Movie Poster Gallery
*"The James Bond Theme (Bond vs Oakenfold)" music video
*and much more
This material is playable on most computers