Joker is a 2019 psychological thriller film directed by Todd Phillips from a screenplay he co-wrote with Scott Silver. The film stars Joaquin Phoenix and is loosely based on DC Comics characters, including the Joker. It follows Arthur Fleck, a failed clown and aspiring stand-up comedian whose descent into mental illness and nihilism culminates with the emergence of an alter-ego known as "Joker" and inspires a violent countercultural revolution against the wealthy in a decaying Gotham City.
1 Hoyt's Office 1:25
2 Defeated Clown 2:39
3 Following Sophie 1:33
4 Penny In The Hospital 1:18
5 Young Penny 2:02
6 Meeting Bruce Wayne 4:36
7 Hiding In The Fridge 1:23
8 A Bad Comedian 1:29
9 Arthur Comes To Sophie 1:39
10 Looking For Answers 0:51
11 Penny Taken To The Hospital 1:49
12 Subway 3:34
13 Bathroom Dance 2:08
14 Learning How To Act Normal 1:18
15 Confession 1:29
16 Escape From The Train 2:32
17 Call Me Joker 4:49