The film tells the story of a group of LAPD officers in 1953, and the intersection of police corruption and Hollywood celebrity. The title refers to the 1950s scandal magazine Confidential, portrayed in the film as Hush-Hush.
1. "Badge Of Honor" - Jerry Goldsmith
2. Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive - Johnny Mercer
3. The Christmas Blues - Dean Martin
4. Look For The Silver Lining - Chet Baker
5. Makin' Whoopee - Gerry Mulligan Quartet With Chet Baker
6. Hit The Road To Dreamland - Betty Hutton
7. Oh! Look At Me Now - Lee Wiley
8. The Lady Is A Tramp - Gerry Mulligan Quartet
9. Wheel Of Fortune - Kay Starr
10. But Not For Me - Jackie Gleason
11. How Important Can It Be - Joni James
12. Looking At You - Lee Wiley
13. Powder Your Face With Sunshine - Dean Martin
14. L.A. Confidential - Jerry Goldsmith